Dani: ‘jarrod and iwatch love island together!’

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She’s recruited the footballer to the fan club…

When we ask Dani Dyer how she’s juggling life as a busy mum of three, she says she is “still adapting”. But, after a natter with the 2018 Love Island winner –who has son Santi, three, from a past relationship, and eight-month-old twin girls Summer and Star with West Ham footballer Jarrod Bowen –it’s fair to say she is the poster girl for living her best life. And even though she’s now spinning another plate as an ambassador for a fun CBeebies app, sitting down with Jarrod every night to watch the nation’s guilty pleasure dating show is an essential. Dani, 27, really is the ultimate fangirl…

How do you and Jarrod make quality time for one another?

We make sure we have our date nights, even if it’s just going to the cinema. We’re both quite homely people really. Once we get the kids to bed, we’ve been watching Love Island together. Even though he says he’s not a fan, he is.

Santi in big brother mode

What do you think of All Stars?

I love it. They should have done this concept last year, it’s so good. I’ve always been obsessed with Love Island, but I’ve seen so many people saying, “We need to thank these producers because they are absolute geniuses.” It’s so good. I’m hooked every night.

Can you call any early winners?

I’m sticking with my girl Georgia [Steel, who was on series four with Dani]. She loves a journey on there –I want a happy ending this time for her.

Dani with Georgia Steel on Love Island

Onto parenting – what is your and Jarrod’s ultimate hack?

Sticking together and helping each other out. He’ll know what I need doing. It’s just the little things and being one step ahead. He’ll put the toys away and it’s like, “Oh my God, you put the toys away!” It’s the tiny things that mean so much.

Describe Jarrod as adad…

He’s just the dream. I feel like I always wanted an amazing, beautiful boyfriend –he’s very fit, as well, which is always a bonus. He’s just everything I could want. We’re so different, but it works well. The newborn thing was all quite new to him, but he loves it. I remember when he got back from winning the Europa League. He came in, had the flag around his neck, and it was the 11 o’clock feed. I was like, “Right, come on.” He is really good.

Mum and Dad – aka Love Island�

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