‘my husband had to wear hotpants all holiday!’

2 min read

Celebrity PASSPORT Chemmy Alcott

The World Cup Skier, 41, on her globetrotting life

Floating about with her boys
Indulging in some white powder
On top of the world in one of her ski looks

What’s the coolest hotel that you’ve ever stayed in?

On our honeymoon in Africa, my husband and I stayed in this treehouse. It was ironic, because the area is famous for tree-climbing lions. Another highlight was a glass igloo in Finland. It wasn’t in the slightest bit fancy, but at night, the whole sky lit up and the view was epic.

What’s the funniest souvenir you’ve brought home?

When I was younger, I won a 10kg wheel of raclette cheese at a ski competition. I was travelling with it for four weeks – it was so heavy and a total nightmare to lug around.

Weirdest thing you’ve eaten on holiday?

In Iceland, the local delicacy is Hákarl, which is fermented shark – it’s basically rotten. Another time, during a stopover in Tokyo, we went to a local sushi place where there wasn’t a menu and I just ordered what everyone else was having. It turned out I was eating fish eyeballs. That was especially challenging.

Who is your favourite holiday companion?

My other half, Dougie. We have the same go-getter mentality and can get quite competitive with each other. We can’t sit on a beach and do nothing all day. He’s really good at launching into holidays that are really active and the itineraries are always packed.

What’s in your duty-free haul?

All the make-up I’ve forgotten to pack.

What three essentials do you always pack?

A ski suit, which I rent from Eco-Ski. They provide an eco-friendly way of sourcing your gear. For£50, you can rent a ski out

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