Cat: ‘i’m not scared to walk away’

2 min read

This Morning’s new host won’t stick around if the backlash continues

Cat and Ben have come under fire

Since Cat Deeley took over the reins as the co-anchor of This Morning alongside Ben Shephard, she’s had to cope with the inevitable backlash that comes from taking over such a high-profile show from a long-established presenter. Viewers have vented about everything and anything on social media, from her outfits to claiming she’s “too loud and theatrical”.

The veteran TV host has been taking it all in her stride – and sources have told heat she’s all too aware how hard it is to please everyone. But, if things don’t get better, the star isn’t afraid to call it a day. We’re told, “Cat didn’t think taking over This Morning would be easy and she loves a challenge, but she also knew going into it that she wouldn’t stick around if it didn’t feel right. She’s mostly enjoying her time there, but she’s aware that not all the viewers are happy with how she’s doing.”

The source continues, “Her view is that she can only do her best and hope people warm to her over time, but she’s not keeping herself up at night reading everything some stranger says about her and she meditates regularly to block out any negativity or nastiness.”

Having been on our screens since the late ’90s with Hitlist UK and then SM:TV with close pals Ant & Dec, Cat, 47, made a name for herself in the US as the host of So You Think You Can Dance. She’s even had a cameo on The Simpsons – a true sign that you’ve made it in America. And, we’re told, it’s this success that’s given Cat the confidence to walk away from a job if it isn’t making her happy.

“Haters gonna hate”

Our source says, “At the end of the day, Cat doesn’t need drama in her life. She will give it a year, but if it doesn’t work out, she’ll have no shame about walking away.

She’s got so many achievements under her belt already – she knows she could walk into another job quite easily. She always said that she would give This Morning her best shot, but if people don’t like her, she’s not going to bend over backwards trying to prove them wrong – she is who she is at the end of day and she isn’t

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