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Ruby: areal gem

There aren’t many strings that Ruby Wax hasn’t added to her bow. From her beginnings as a Shakespearean actor and sitcom star, to her iconic celeb interviews, including Donald Trump and Madonna (both memorable for different reasons), mental health advocacy, and authoring seven books, mum-of three Ruby, 71, is globally celebrated in all her fields.

Now, Ruby, who starred in the reality show Trailblazers with Emily Atack and Mel Blast year, is back with an acclaimed one-woman tour, I’m Not As Well As I Thought I Was –and it sounds epic.

Two generations of funny: with Marina and Maddie

The comedian, who’s mum to son Max, and daughters Madeline and Marina (who are also comics, fyi), sat down with heat to take a deep dive into her career. Spoiler alert: she’s just as fabulous as we thought she’d be…

Who are the standout celebs you’ve interviewed?

Carrie Fisher, because she was a genius as a writer –and she liked me a lot. OJ Simpson, as he tried to kill me with a banana. Donald Trump is memorable, but in a horrible way.

I should’ve taken him out on the plane [when I interviewed him], but I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to be President. Roseanne Barr, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn… they all ended up becoming friends, so it was like the unpopular girl suddenly got to be A-list.

Who was your trickiest interview?


How come?

She kept saying which camera she wanted. I had to make sure she wasn’t insulted, because she was ready for an insult or a hardball question to be thrown. She was totally defensive, and that’s not away to do an interview.

How did you overcome that?

I tried to make her laugh and then I tried to take her seriously, except I was doing an entertainment show, so I had to keep it funny. She was answering me in a kind-of snide way and not being honest.

Trailblazing with Emily Atack and Mel B
Car crash: with Madonna
Buddies: with Carrie Fisher

I can only be honest, so it was a car crash. I think, in the end, she thought I was funny in a goofy kind of way. But she couldn’t get serious.

What is your relationship with the spotlight like today?

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