As she masters yoga sadie frost shares the peace she has found in a slower pace of life

4 min read

When HELLO! meets Sadie Frost, she is sitting in the lotus position, exuding a zen-like calm as she prepares to teach her first ever yoga session at a wellness centre in London.

A core member of the bohemian Primrose Hill set in the hedonistic 1990s, the actress, now 58 and a mother of four, attended an array of glittering parties alongside her then-husband Jude Law and best friend Kate Moss.


However, she tells us that she has come a long way since those decadent days and has reprioritised her life, embarking on an exciting new chapter by retraining as a yoga teacher.

“I’ve been involved in wellness all my life, but I’ve realised that as you go through different chapters of your life, different things matter to you,” she says. “I love healing and being in an industry where you walk in and it’s a safe space.”

She also explains how a relaxing yoga studio provides an entirely different environment to the movie sets on which she spent much of her career.

“The film industry can be quite negative and competitive, and I realised I wasn’t ultimately happy,” says Sadie, who has starred in films including Bram Stoker’s Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, and the 2019 drama Nocturnal. “But doing this makes me happy.”


Of her new-found state, she continues: “Putting the work in and meditating helps you come to terms with things. Breathing and slowing down has been instrumental to my happiness. Normally I get bogged down, but doing the breathwork, moving through issues and clearing the energy creates happiness.”

Leaving behind the manic pace of her younger years, Sadie says she has reset her life. “I feel healthiest and most connected when I’m looking after myself. The most important thing in life is having time and being happy and healthy, rather than being busy, because when you live that way, you’re not connecting with people.

Sadie demonstrates some yoga poses, having recently taught her first class. After practising for 30 years, she has shunned the “negative” film industry in favour of yoga’s “healing” space
The actress, who joined Kate Moss in Paris to celebrate the model’s 50th birthday in January, hasn’t lost her love of a good time. But Sadie says she has achieved contentment by focusing on yoga, her health and making connections – including cuddles with her beloved dachshund Cherry (together above)

“To be the best possible version of me, I need to be able to connect, and I feel I am the best v

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