Dr William Knox shares a selection of le
How she turned rejection into lifelong fortune, favour and independence
hen giving talks on UFOs I’m sometimes asked which single event offers the best evidence for intelligent alien life. Until the recent preprint report from the Planetary Habitability Laboratory conclud
Many birds have fabulous plumage to attract mates or send warning messages. Some of the colours in their feathers are produced by microscopic structures on the feather surface that absorb and reflect
I use a lot of images in my blogs, published articles and presentations. Some are photos of people. Many are diagrams, graphs or copies of documents from parish registers, books and articles or websit
KATHERINE COBB is a member of AGRA based in Somerset ANTONY MARR is a fellow, and previous chair, of AGRA and a former deputy registrar JAYNE SHRIMPTON is a professional dress historian and portrait s
One day late in 1939, a small article appeared in our daily newspaper. It was submitted by the government and was an appeal for British women to knit socks for men in the army, which was unable to obt