Editor’s letter

1 min read

Editor Beth Murton has been a homes journalist and editor for over 20 years and has renovated two homes. She is currently planning her next project 

One of the biggest dilemmas any self-builder or renovator will face before starting their project is where they are going to live during the building work. The cost savings of living on site might sound appealing, but can you face living in a building site for months on end, surrounded by dust? I know the answer to that was a resounding ‘no’ when I renovated my house with my husband. At the time we had a toddler and the thought of navigating daily life when the house was being stripped bare all around us wasn’t appealing. We were lucky that we could move in with my parents (although I’m not convinced they felt so lucky!) and were still close by, so that I could be on site each day to deal with any issues. If you’re weighing up the pros and cons of where you’re going to live, our guide on page 88 might help you make your final decision.

Talking of saving money, project managing your own extension can deliver cost benefits, and it’s therefore a route many self-builders choose to follow. As our feature on page 105 explains, however, it’s not for everyone. Organising trades, arranging deliveries in the right order and being the first point of contact for any issues isn’t as easy as it might appear. Our suitability checklist is a must-read if you’re considering taking on this role.

Elsewhere in the issue, our guide to designing a lifetime home on page 118 is essential readi