
2 min read

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A VERY special hunting pony, Welsh section A Ellen, died unexpectedly and instantly, in the trailer on the way to her last day’s hunting as she was approaching her 30th birthday.

She was well known and greatly loved in the three countries of Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, having introduced countless children to the joys of hunting during her lifetime. She was particularly responsible for many of the children at The Elms prep school becoming addicted to the sport for life!

She had her last full day’s hunting two weeks previously with her jockey of the last four years, Seb Austen, whom she had nurtured throughout his first season off the lead-rein.

Ellen was never ill or lame and she was a legendary representative of her breed.

On hearing of her death on the way to the meet, the Ledbury master, Louise Daly, gave a short eulogy for her before hounds moved off.

She will be greatly missed, but how wonderful for her to die still in good health and on her way to enjoy yet another day with hounds.

Ellen (centre) about to enjoy her last full day’s hunting in February


I MUCH enjoyed reading Richard Maxwell’s article (interview, 18 April), which brought back a vivid memory from about 20 years ago, when I had a loading problem with my home-bred Franky.

Having spent a tedious and frustrating couple of hours loading him after a hack on the South Downs, in desperation I rang “Max” whose articles I had been following in H&H.

With Max on the end of my mobile and Franky at the end of his lead-rope, I spent about half an hour following precise instructions from the former before successfully loading the latter.

Max then insisted I quietly lead Franky up and down the ramp 15 more times, 14 times the next day, 13 times the next and so on. I never had a loading problem again.


I HAVE watched the Grand National every year since it was telev