Boost your creativity with midjourney

7 min read

Text to art Tanya Combrinck looks at how AI tools are supercharging creativity and taking the digital art world by storm

Valkyrie, by Nekro. Rather than use the AI to create full images, Nekro has Midjourney generate separate parts which he then assembles into a final composition.
An image from the series The Luminous Awareness We Sense in the Eyes of Others, by Graeme Cornies. This is one example of how the Midjourney AI interprets this phrase.
An artwork from the series Illusions of the Taiga Ecosystem by Graeme Cornies, which is based around distortions of the snow forests of the subarctic region.

Over the last few weeks you may have noticed a new kind of artwork creeping into your Twitter feed; fascinating, highly detailed images with composition and style quite unlike anything that’s gone before. It’s Midjourney: a new AI tool that creates art based on a text input. Text-to-image AI tools have been around for several years now, but this one is attracting particular attention for producing exceptionally beautiful and original abstract artwork.

Midjourney is currently in private Beta and runs as a bot on Discord. You can apply for access over at To start creating images, you join one of the channels and submit text prompts in the chat window. You might try something like “a beautiful painting of a steampunk owl in the moonlight”. The AI bot replies with four thumbnails, and if one or more are close to what you are trying to create you can choose to iterate on them to receive four more thumbnails. You can continue iterating, or you can tweak your text prompts to get different results. When you have an image you like, you can upscale your chosen thumbnails to get a high-resolution output.

A piece by Kenneth Scott from the series Meat Bois Go 2 Heaven that combines horror with a classical painting style.
Kenneth Scott used Lovecraft’s description of the Cthulhu statue as a prompt for this image.

Anyone can get decent images out of Midjourney by entering simple descriptive phrases, but to achieve something special you need to be imaginative and learn how to use the prompts to get interesting results. A major plus point of the tool running within Discord is that you can