Rodney fuentebella

1 min read

A day in the life of…

Just keep going The Marvel Studios visual development supervisor on keeping his focus, the joy of sketching, and sticking to your craft

A keyframe illustration Rodney developed for the Hawkeye miniseries.
All images © Marvel

“The alarm goes off around 6:30am. I hit it a few times, and then get up, have a protein shake and tea. If it’s my turn to take the kids to school I sort them, then get in my zen state for the commute to work.

When I get to work, I get everything settled and check emails, then pick up from the day before, either painting or sketching and 3D modelling. I do it for about 20 minutes, then take a break. I’m pretty antsy and will find some background music or a movie. I’m the youngest of six kids, so I feel weird if it’s too quiet. I’ll work till lunch, which is around noon.

When not at the office, Rodney works from a sleek home studio.

I’ll either go out with my co-workers or on my own at lunch. Maybe I’ll do sketches of people as I eat. Working on the computer so much, it’s nice to get that kinesthetic feel of something real. After lunch, I might touch base with people on the team to see what they’re working on. This will keep me inspired/nervous enough to work even harder, until around 6pm or so.

I go to my gym after work until the traffic dies down. Getting a good workout in helps to calm my general anxiety. My wife and I both work, so it’s take-out ci