Boyuan ryan shi and xiaoxue snowy zhang

2 min read

Vintage vibes The concept artists invite us into their studio to explore a trove of treasures from an antique typewriter to old school cameras

Character concept art created by Snowy as part of her personal project, which has a theme built around sci-fi, fantasy, and Soviet iconography.

“My girlfriend and I are both concept artists, and fortunate enough to work for companies that support remote work,” says Ryan.

“Since we spend most of our time at home, a comfortable workspace is crucial for enhanced productivity.

As we don’t own a house, we opt to stay in one place for a maximum of two years before moving. One reason is that life can become repetitive if we stay in one place for too long. We begin to notice our moving pattern, and it becomes monotonous. One added bonus of frequent moves is the chance to decorate and design the layout of our new place. This process poses a challenge because there’s no perfect apartment, but we concept artists thrive on challenges.

Choosing to set up our workspace in the living room was deliberate, given its ample sunlight. Additionally, we sometimes engage in personal work or play games on our own devices, allowing us to maintain conversation instead of isolating ourselves in separate rooms.”

Acorner focused on this typewriter. We've always been interested in vintage machines but never considered owning one. Our friend found this one next to their car in an apartment garage, and since no one claimed it, they brought it home and gave it to us when they moved.
Ryan has created a personal project that follows themes inspired by the incredible worldbuilding in the Dishonored franchise from Arkane Studios. Magnetic Quarry is among the work he’s painted for it.
Aclose-up shot of some of our old cameras. We think anything vintage pairs well with greenery!
Ryan loves to build up stories and create multiple images based around them.
Music is vital to our lives and work, so we finally decided to invest in an entry-level vinyl player. Does it sound better? Perhaps. Does it bring joy to our daily lives? Absolutely.


Snowy adds: “You may have noticed we have severa