Letters your feedback & opinions

2 min read


Contact the editor, Rob Redman, on mail@imaginefx.com or write to ImagineFX, Future Publishing, Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA, England

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Our fan art issue last month has proved very popular. Not surprising, given the wonderful cover and features!

Fanatical about fan art

Hey ImagineFX. Your last issue was outstanding! I’ve been working on my own fan art projects for a long time but have never considered using it as part of my career. Now that has all changed. Reading how I could take what I do to the next level has inspired me massively, so a very warm thank you from me and please keep doing more of the same.

Rob replies Thanks for getting in touch Nikael, and I’m really glad to hear you enjoyed our fan art issue last month. There’s so much that can be learned both from studying artists you admire, as well as taking inspiration from some of the wonderful worlds that have been built. And don’t forget, fan art doesn’t just mean paying homage to a favourite character, it could also be exploring themes from music, or a book that you love.

No need to worry, we’ll be bringing you plenty more of this kind of content in the future. Let us know if there’s anything you’d like to see in the magazine!

DID YOU MISS THE PREVIOUS PACKED ISSUE? single-ifx. Don’t worry – you can get hold of issue 240 at

Pokémon enthusiast Juan Diego León taught us how to create our very own Venusaur in issue 240.

Pokémon go!

I’m just writing a quick thank you for the tutorial you had last month explaining how to paint a Pokémon character (and Venusaur is even one of my favourites!). I’ve wanted to do this for some time but my skills were never enough to tackle it. That has all