Rudd cage feeder rig

1 min read


When the fish are sitting beyond floatfishing range, this simple feeder set-up will help catch one of these stunning golden specimens

ENIGMATIC, and often overlooked, rudd flourish in clear gravel and sand pits, where their presence can often be noted as they swirl to take emerging insects from the surface on warm summer evenings. This feeding behaviour, and the upturned mouth of rudd, tell us that this species has evolved to feed up in the water. In fact, the shape of the mouth makes it quite difficult for them to pick up food from the bottom.

This knowledge should influence the tactics and rigs that we use for them.

At close range, floatfishing with a slow-sinking bait is brilliant for rudd. Often times, the fish will not venture into the margins and can only be located beyond the range of a float. When this is the case, legering becomes the only option – but we can adapt our rigs to catch the fish in midwater.

Using a cage feeder loaded with very dry groundbait ensures that a cloud of bait will be created in the water as the feeder sinks, attracting the rudd to the rig. Couple this with a buoyant hookbait, such as bread crust, or a mini pop-up boilie, and it is possible to intercept these fish in midwater.

Rudd are not particularly cautious fish, so there is no need to fish particularly light.

If big fish are anticipated, then it is wise to use adequately strong tackle. Larger baits – and for these far from small fish that can mean a 10mm pop-up – will single out the larger specimens.

HOW TO TIE A cage feeder rig for rudd