River pike float leger rig

1 min read


This is the perfect presentation for anchoring your hookbait in the faster water, where pike often like to hunt

PIKE can often be found in fast-flowing rivers, and it can be a mistake to always concentrate your efforts in the areas of slacker water.

Generally, the pike will be hunting in the main current for species such as chub and dace, but fishing in such areas can be technically quite difficult, as the flow will be trying to drag the rig downstream.

While you can trot a bait downriver under a float, often your rig will only be in the right area for a short time before you have to reel in and recast. A better option is to use a float leger which keeps the bait well-positioned.

This is no time for finesse, so don’t be afraid to use a big leger weight to hold position. Five ounces or so may be required in strong flows, but often three will suffice, especially if you fish on the edge of the faster water, close to the ‘crease’.

Rivers often contain snags, and so it is essential to use beefy tackle that allows you to straighten out the hooks should the rig become snagged.

Hence, use super-strong 60lb braid and 40lb wire, along with hooks that will straighten under pressure.

HOW TO TIE a float leger rig

1 Thread a 7mm bead and an large Dumpy Slider Float onto the mainline braid 2

2 Next, thread a Mini Wire Leger Stem onto the mainline 3

3 An Ant