Big roach boom breaks the mould

6 min read

Trent & Mersey Canal, Staffordshire

Top canal angler Darren Massey takes the IYCF cameras to a venue where quality redfins are part and parcel of a successful session

ROACH used to be fairly widespread in our canals, with most pegs capable of producing at least a few bites from this iconic species.

As the years have passed, however, their distribution has gradually waned in many areas, with some venues now suffering from a distinct shortage of redfins.

The reasons for this are numerous. The stocks in some venues were hit hard by cormorant predation, pollution or an abundance of other types of fish such as bream, perch and even carp, which have become the dominant species in some canals.

However, over the past few seasons there have been signs that the tide is starting to turn, with ever more reports of good roach catches from the towpath.

The Trent &Mersey Canal has been called a lot of derogatory names over the years, including the ‘Trent &Misery’, but if the current potential of one stretch in particular is anything to go by, then that kind of tag should be resigned to the history books.

Recent matches on the Izaak Walton AA-controlled zone near Great Haywood, on the outskirts of Stafford, have produced some superb results, with over 20lb of roach required to top the field at times.

Fish ranging from hand-sized tiddlers right through to 1lb-plus corkers are present, with no shortage of bites in the right conditions.

Cadence Superteam member Darren Massey has seen first-hand just how good the venue has been of late, having taken part in matches where numerous double-figure hauls were brought to the scales. “The stretch has always been reliable for a few bites once it gets cold, but it feels like things have stepped up a notch this time around,” explained Darren.

“Roach have become few and far between in a lot of canals but there is certainly no shortage of them in this part of the Trent &Mersey.”

Quality roach to just over 1lb dominated an interesting session on the towpath

Bankside bliss

Most anglers have an inkling about the potential of their local canal, and even if blockbuster action is on the cards, they’ll often shy away from having a crack due to things like heavy bankside traffic from runners, cyclists and walkers – which can