Ink Pellet Magazine
8 May 2019

The latest issue of Ink Pellet includes interviews with celebrated playwright Roy Williams and we drop in for a coffee with the immensely talented Katy Richardson, musical director with the wonderful production Six, now playing in the West End. Our third interview in this issue is with the acclaimed musician, television personality and supporter of emerging artists, YolanDa Brown. In our tour around the country’s specialist performing arts schools, this month we visit Drama Studio London, offering demanding conservatoire-style training, delivered by working industry professionals and in this issue’s Pause For Thought, Susan Elkin asks you to consider the importance of casting on ability and not to fulfil a quota. Graham Hooper, our regular Exhibition writer, poses the question on what makes art galleries appealing and how can we encourage younger visitors to these wonderful calming and inspiring spaces. As we head into exam season, here’s a quote for your students, attributed to Audrey Hepburn: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”

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