“i want to see nina fight for asha!”

3 min read

THE BIG interview



Sometimes I feel as though Tanisha Gorey [Asha] and me are a funny pair!” laughs Corrie star Mollie Gallagher, as she joins us for an exclusive chat about Nina’s growing jealousy over Asha’s new direction. “Tanisha’s a fast thinker and I’m the exact opposite. But we always have fun on set. Normally I’ll do something embarrassing and she’ll just laugh – that’s our day!”

There might be giggles behind the scenes, but on screen Nina and Asha’s romance is being tested in a big way thanks to the arrival of Isla, Asha’s flirty paramedic colleague. With cracks beginning to show in their relationship, the girlfriends are struggling to be honest with each other, and this week Nina’s worst fears come true when Isla admits she fancies Asha.

It’s obvious actress Mollie Gallagher is relishing the chance to see Asha and Nina tested. However, as things get tougher into the new year, she’s eager for Nina to fight for her love…

Ambitious move: Asha has been focusing on her new career as a paramedic
Love rival: Isla has admitted to Asha that she has a crush on her

Hi Mollie! Poor Nina sees Asha getting a bit cosy with Isla this week. How’s Nina feeling?

Nina’s trying to play everything cool, but internally she is really jealous. She trusts Asha, but there’s that thought in the back of her mind. I think Nina is doing all the right things, though there are some moments where she is more irate about all. I’ve been trying to find a balance and different emotions for Nina’s journey to make it more interesting. It’s a nice story to have because we’ve not had many challenges as a couple.

Do you think Nina’s right to be concerned, or is she just insecure?

I was debating this when I was reading the script. Like, “Ooh is Nina being over the top?” Sometimes when you read scripts versus when you actually play them out it’s very different. I watched Isla’s first episode on the TV recently, and straight away I felt for Nina. She was being ignored! Watching it back, I’m like, “Yeah, Nina, you have a right to be annoyed”.

And Asha does tell Nina that Isla has a crush on her, so that must validate her fears?

Exactly. Nina doesn’t want it to be true. I think she’d rather it be in her head. But when she hears that, it triggers her.

Do you think Asha and Nina are still compatible?

I think what’s so nice about the relationship is that they are so different, but they’ve helped the growth of one another and they found similarities. Nina has really inspired Asha to b

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