Tom brutally attacks belle!

2 min read



Tom turns on the charm while Mandy and Lydia are there
Tom is a different person towards Belle in private

Belle’s nightmare at home comes to a vicious head this week, after hideous Tom brutally attacks his wife and leaves her collapsed in agony on the kitchen floor!

His barbaric act of violence comes after he hears Belle and her family gently ribbing him behind his back. Unable to contain his fury, Tom’s amiable mood quickly darkens and Belle soon suffers the agonising consequences…

“Tom turns his terrifying sights on Belle when he can’t control his anger,” reveals our Emmerdale informant. “Once she realises he’s been faking his good mood, Belle tries to calm him. The atmosphere at home is ugly – she can sense his temper is about to erupt…”

As the week begins, not content with the exhaustive ways he’s already gained control over Belle’s life, Tom sets out to guarantee he has total say over her movements. He opens up a joint bank account for them, insisting it’s what newlyweds do, but it’s all part of his callous plan to monitor her spending.

Yet it’s not just financial control he’s after, he wants to isolate her from all her loved ones too. With his wife’s large family playing such a vital role in her everyday life, Tom’s already tried to make his disgust clear about Belle spending too much time with the Dingles. So he’s immediately riled up to see Lydia and Mandy pop round when he spies on Belle through the puppy cam.

His hatred for them growing, Tom’s mood blackens while he realises the ladies are having a laugh at his expense.

As soon as they are left alone, Tom launches into an attack on Belle…

Insecurity mounting, Tom’s fury leads him home and he barges in without warning – putting Belle on edge…

After his monstrous actions behind closed doors at their dinner party, Belle is unnerved by Tom’s mood. While she’s relieved that her husband is welcoming to Mandy and Lydia, there’s a part of her that fears he’s putting on an a

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