“it’s a race against time for dee-dee to prove roy’s innocence!”

3 min read

THE BIG interview



It’s been the hardest case of her career, but if there’s anyone who can help free our Roy, it’s Dee-Dee – and this week, she’s under pressure as the entire case could fall apart. But nothing has stopped her quest for justice so far.

She’s shouldered death threats from online trolls playing detective, and even faced hostility on the Street.

With Corrie’s biggest mystery set to unravel this week, Bobby’s arrested for perverting the course of justice, which destroys Dee-Dee’s case. She also has a big shock when boyfriend Joel admits he’s defending evil Nathan, making her job even harder.

Unravelling: Bobby’s arrest destroys Dee-Dee’s defence case
Opposite sides: Dee-Dee is annoyed to hear that Joel will be defending Nathan

Dee-Dee’s left no stone unturned in this impossible case to find Lauren Bolton’s killer and exonerate Roy, and we’re thrilled it’s given actress Channique Sterling-Brown a chance to shine! Here, we chat to her about her character’s involvement in such a big storyline, and how Dee-Dee’s feeling, knowing she has the weight of Weatherfield on her shoulders….

Hi, Channique! Roy’s case has taken over Dee-Dee’s life. How is she coping with everything?

I think Dee-Dee is really starting to buckle under the pressure. She’s been trying hard to hold it all together but, ultimately, I think the pressure of the Street, and the pressure she puts on herself, is taking its toll on her. Roy isn’t just a client to Dee-Dee, she really values him as a person. We can really see the strain that it’s putting on her.

With everyone relying on her to free Roy, is she out of her depth?

I don’t think this case is out of her depth, but she’s coming up with so many blanks and it’s causing her to doubt herself. She’s finding all these mitigating factors which should be brilliant evidence, but she keeps coming up against resistance. She’s looking for that one thing that’s going to bring Roy home, but that’s proving a lot harder than she could have ever imagined!

How did you feel when you found out Dee-Dee would be representing Roy Cropper?

It’s so crazy! I was really excited because it’s brilliant for me to get to work with more of the cast. It’s such a big storyline, and it’s been great to get my teeth into more of the lawyer side and be in court again.

It’s been a real roller coaster of emotions. Dee-Dee has her own personal feelings working on the case while remaining professional, too. It’s been a great

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