Elaine outs cheating cindy!

2 min read




Cindy and George crossed the line – now they’ll face the consequences

Elaine proves hell hath no fury like a woman scorned this week, when she informs Ian about George and Cindy’s secret kiss!

The steely landlady has been putting on a brave face since her break-up and trying to prove to everyone it’s business as usual. But the sight of Cindy lording it up behind her beloved Vic bar tips Elaine over the edge…

“She’s out for revenge, make no mistake about that!” declares our Walford insider. “Elaine feels Cindy has destroyed her dreams of a future with George, so why not try to ruin hers? She summons Ian to the pub and tells him straight up about Cindy’s infidelity – it’s brutal, but Elaine is past caring!”

As the week begins, Elaine decides to lift the mood by arranging a girls’ night out with Gina and Anna, and reassures them both they’ll always have a home in the Vic with her. Needing someone to hold the fort while they’re out, Elaine invites George to come over. After last week’s slight thawing of relations, George dares to hope Elaine has called because she wants to them get back together and is gutted to realise that’s not the case at all – she’d just like him to pull a few pints. While George gets to work serving a pub packed full of thirsty punters, over at Peggy’s, Gina and Anna try their hardest to persuade Elaine to give their dad another chance. But will their pleas fall on deaf ears?

The girls aren’t too pleased when Cindy shows her face at the cocktail bar and make it clear she’s not welcome after all the hurt she’s caused. Reading the room, Cindy decides it’s best that she goes elsewhere so she heads over to the pub, where she finds George in a fluster and struggling to cope on his own. Cindy takes pity on her former husband and offers to lend a hand, which George gra

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