The spying game

2 min read


Lorna Watson tells Inside TV about the eponymous nun’s brush with Bond as the merry murder mystery returns for a third series…

Who’s Best?: Jordan Mifsud as Benson, Luke Roberts (top) as Kingsley and James Sheldon as Campbell (right)

Crime-solving Catholic nun Sister Boniface is back for a third series, the first ep of which – Never Too Deadly to Die – is an affectionate Bond pastiche. As parachutists are spotted descending over Great Slaughter, DI Sam Gillespie (Max Brown) races to investigate.

Turns out it’s all part of screen tests being held for the next actor set to portray Jonas Best, the British agent from the film franchise written by spy turned author Lincoln Leigh Varsey (Denis Lawson). But when one of the actors collapses and dies during the screen tests, Sister Boniface (Lorna Watson) must use her forensic skills to determine the murder weapon, motive and, of course, ‘whodunnit?’. Inside TV had a lovely chat with Lorna to find out more…

“There’s death by scorpion, which is I think is my favourite murder method so far!” she chuckles. “Just when you think, ‘They’ve probably run out of ideas by now’, they come up with that!”

As well as Lincoln, under suspicion of having bumped off cocky Australian actor Benson Boyd (Jordan Mifsud) are chiselled TV star Kingsley Markham (Luke Roberts), pretentious theatre actor Campbell Kamen (James Sheldon) and model-turnedactress Phoebe Volante (Manpreet Bambra). The deadly scorpion in question is just one of Lincoln’s many exotic mementoes housed in his magnificent mansion, and it’s there that Sam bumps into returning reporter Ruth Penny (Miranda Raison), whose new beau just so happens to be actor Kingsley. Naturally, that’s set to create fireworks between would-be couple Sam and Ruth…

We’ll meet again: Ruth and Max hide their feelings
Glass half full?: Sister Boniface is on the case

“I think they have this unshakable and undeniable chemistry,” notes Lorna. “Maybe it’s a timing thing… Ultimately, we’d love for them to get together, they’re just not there yet.

But the will-they-won’t-they is quite fun – and I love that they have such a playful relationship and wind eac

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