“i’m pleased that simon is getting a happy ending!”

4 min read

THE BIG interview



Animal friend: Alex joined the show aged six with a pet rabbit for support (actually named Leanne!)
Pastures new: Simon’s looking forward to time with his dad

“At six years old, you don’t realise the enormity of joining one of the longest-running shows in the world and being part of the family that was in the first episode in 1960!” laughs Alex Bain about his memories of arriving on Coronation Street back in 2008 as Simon Barlow, son of Peter and grandson of Street legend, Ken.

Simon turned up in Weatherfield a confused and nervous youngster, having lost his mum and finding himself suddenly back with his estranged dad.

The character’s exit this week will once again see him reuniting with Peter, as Simon joins him sailing the high seas. But what a journey he’s had in between – as 22-year-old Alex reveals while he looks back at 16 years of the Barlow boy…

Hi Alex! You’ve been Simon for two thirds of your whole life. How was it filming your final scene? It must have been emotional…

Emotional farewell: Leanne says goodbye to Simon…

It was incredibly emotional as it has been a huge part of my life. My parents had come in to watch the final scene I filmed, and the director kindly suggested that they could be background artists in the café. So, there I was discussing Simon’s mum and dad with Carla, while my own mum and dad were sitting at a table behind me having a coffee – how surreal! My mum was my chaperone when I first started and both of them have been so supportive of me, so it was a real moment for us all that they are in one of my final scenes.

How have you been feeling about your time on Corrie coming to an end?

I felt very positive about it. Yes, the show has been the backbone of my life, but I’m 22 now and maybe it’s time to see what the future holds. It isn’t just a job; you become part of a family and I’ll always have those people in my life. Obviously leaving feels sad, but it doesn’t take away the excitement and anticipation. With Chris [Gascoyne, aka Peter] going it felt like the obvious thing for Simon to follow his dad. Simon’s been through so much and he was lost without his dad around. Simon heading off on his adventures means I can have new ones of my own!

Pastures new: Si’s family wave him off on his adventure

Are you pleased with Simon’s exit?

I’m so pleased he has a happy ending, literally sailing off into the sunset with his dad, and there’s hope for his future.

I don’t have to grieve for him as he hasn’t been killed off. I can just imagine him having a great time with his dad, the two of them drinking orange juice on

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