Reiss wants bianca gone!

2 min read



Reiss reaches the end of his tether with Bianca this week – and tells Sonia she needs to leave Walford! Will she have the heart to kick her own sister out?

Since their uncomfortable first meeting, Bianca has made it pretty clear she doesn’t think much of Sonia’s bumbling boyfriend, and it would be fair to say Bianca isn’t Reiss’ cup of tea, either. He’s kept the peace for Sonia’s sake, but when Bianca pushes him too far, the normally mildmannered accountant snaps…

“Bianca opens her big gob and hurls a load of abuse at Reiss!” reveals our EastEnders insider. “We’re not talking a couple of cheeky digs: this is a vicious verbal assault and it cuts deep. Reiss is so offended he orders Sonia to give Bianca her marching orders.”

Reiss’ week gets off to a bad start when he finds out he’s lost the business of one of his major clients. The prospect of a big dip in earnings sends Reiss spiralling, as Sonia tries her hardest to boost her man’s anxious mood.

Reiss is having a bad day, made worse by harsh words from Bianca

A solution to Reiss’ cashflow crisis presents itself when Kathy suggests Phil is on the lookout for an accountant. Reiss realises it’s a lucrative opportunity and is encouraged when Phil agrees to interview him the following day.

While Reiss prepares himself to be interrogated by Walford’s top dog, he finds himself caught up in another petty squabble with a certain redhead.

“Bianca’s still hurt over Whitney’s refusal to forgive her,” explains our mole. “She ends up taking her upset out on poor old Reiss because he’s an easy target.”

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