Will nish rumble suki’s plotting?

2 min read



Will Suki tell Eve her crafty plan?


Suki and Vinny pledge to reclaim the Panesar empire this week – however, suspicious Nish and Ravi are soon onto them!

The family were rocked by Nish’s bombshell that he’s terminally ill, though Suki sees it as an opportunity to get her hands on what she believes is rightfully hers, with the help of youngest son Vinny. Yet after Vinny does a complete 180 by swearing his allegiance to his father, Ravi smells a rat – and begins to question if Vinny’s apparent change of heart is all part of a bigger plan…

“Vinny’s doting-son act has made Ravi wonder if he has a hidden agenda,” shares our EastEnders insider. “He’s gone from being firmly Team Suki and hating Nish’s guts to welcoming him back with open arms. It makes no sense whatsoever.”

Refusing to buy Vinny’s behaviour, Ravi goes to Nish and voices his concerns. Nish is grateful for the heads-up and instructs Ravi to investigate further to determine whether his youngest lad is genuine, or playing him for a total fool.

Vinny is put under pressure as Ravi fires questions at him about his intentions towards Nish. He manages to keep his composure and vows his loyalty, which is enough to persuade Ravi he’s legit.

“Phew! That was a close call,” cries our snoop. “Vinny must have a death wish if he’s prepared to deceive both Ravi and Nish. He’s going to have to be very clever in order to pull this one off.”

Over at Number 41, Vinny fills Suki in about Ravi’s earlier interrogation, and the pair renew their determination to reclaim the family business empire. Meanwhile, Suki has to step in and avert another crisis when Eve has a public slanging match with Nish in the middle of The Vic!

After Eve spies Vinny sucking up to Nish, she’s appalled by his change of stance. Unaware of what’s really going on, Eve tries to voice her disapproval – only to be promptly shut down by Suki.

As a vicious row breaks out between Eve and Nish, Suki is forced to intervene again and drags her gobby girlfriend away. Will she tel