Matty framed for stabbing samson!

2 min read



First with the week’s HOTTEST headlines



Josh shoves Samson into Matty, with terrible results
Samson is miffed by Lydia’s lukewarm congratulations on passing his driving test

Emmerdale village is left rocked by a shock stabbing this week, when an altercation with transphobic bullies leaves innocent Matty with Samson’s blood on his hands!

Threatened by aggression and slurs from Samson and his evil new friend Josh, Matty tries to keep the peace. However, when a violent tussle breaks out, Samson lands on a knife – and Matty is left to take all of the blame…

“Samson is bleeding – and Matty’s in complete shock!” gasps Ash Palmisciano, who plays the stunned newlywed. “It’s a total accident; it happens so fast and Matty is completely bewildered – it’s totally out of character.”

Trouble brewing

Unaware that his life is about to change dramatically, Matty starts the week hoping for a pay rise from Jai so he and Amy can find a place of their own. But when Samson and his nasty new mate show up at HOP to celebrate the Dingle teenager passing his driving test, the problems begin…

“Matty doesn’t notice the guys causing trouble at first,” explains Ash. “But as the day goes on, he becomes aware of them. Josh starts to flirt with Amy, but it goes from light banter to causing a scene.”

The following day, having been rejected by Sarah, menacing Josh sets his sights on Amy yet again and makes her uncomfortable by repeatedly hitting on her. When Amy leaves early in an attempt to escape the unwanted attention, Josh targets Matty with transphobic comments.

“Josh starts referring to Matty as ‘she’,” reveals Ash. “He makes it very clear that he knows Matty is trans. To Matty’s surprise, Samson goes along with it, too!”

Amy is dealing with unwanted attention from Josh

Out of control

Despite Matty’s efforts to keep things civil, he’s forced to put a stop to the lads’ cruel jibes and kicks them out of HOP. But being barred riles Josh even more so, outside, he dead-names Matty and promises to teach him a lesson!

“Matty takes matters into his own hands,” shares Ash. “He sends them both packing after they’re transphobic, only for them to come back. They return to the Hide with force, demanding money – and that’s when Matty realises it’s getting out of control!”

Threatening behaviou

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