“gabby can be very forward with what she wants!”

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THE BIG interview

Gabby Thomas was in for a bit of a shock when her pal Vinny suddenly made a move on her recently. And while the pair made their awkward apologies and moved on, we discover this week that it’s not actually the end of the story – and as always, we can expect a soapie twist.

“Vinny is a real fan favourite, so I know viewers will be really worried that Gabby is going to break his heart,” says Rosie Bentham, who plays Gabby. “Which is ironic, as what happens is kind of the opposite…” So just what could transform a caring geek like Vinny into such a heartbreaker? Rosie reveals all as she joins us to talk good times, tough times and first times…

Scrap it: Gabby and Vinny find themselves in a surprising situation

Hi Gabby! How did you feel when you learned there was going to be a potential love story between Gabby and Vinny?

It’s a bit of a chalk and cheese situation, isn’t it? When the story got pitched to me, I was a little bit like, ‘Oh, how is that going to happen?’ But as the story goes on, the writing has been quite funny and light-hearted. I actually thought after being dumped at the altar, Gabby was in her “I hate men” phase – but that’s always when they come along, isn’t it?

After Vinny tried to kiss her, Gabby confided in Laurel, who advised her to be a bit more open in the kind of men she goes for. Did that give her food for thought?

Yes, I think she walked away a little bit more open-minded about men – which she needs to be as she’s made horrible choices in the past! And if she is going to listen to anyone, it’ll be Laurel, because Gabby has a lot of respect for Laurel. She’s kind of been there through every step with Gabby.

Heart to heart: is honesty the best policy for the pair?

What do you think Gabby needs in a man?

She’s at an age now where she’s focused on business, so she has those good foundations. Now all she needs is a good guy who will come in, help her and Thomas, and maybe bring her back down to some of her nicer roots.

Sounds like Vinny! Tell us what happens with them this week…

Gabby is kind of testing the waters a little bit. Vinny holds a barbecue for her at the scrapyard, which is funny, because Gabby is more of a restaurant sort of girl. They end up spending an afternoon together and she even offers to help out with some of the scrapyard work to prove that she is not a princess!

That’s kiss-tory: but what will happen now?

There’s a kiss – who makes the first move?

I’d say it’s actually a very mutual thing. As we’ve seen before with Nicky and Jamie, Gabby can be very, very forward in what she wants! But I think

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