Cindy pushes ian too far!

1 min read



Does deceitful Cindy have an ulterior motive?
Egomaniac Ian overexerts himself when Junior takes over the training session

The Beales are on a health kick this week after Cindy decides to put Ian on a new keep-fit regime!

But after almost cheating on Ian, does deceitful Cindy have an ulterior motive for trying to get her fella fitter?

“Ian and George are complete opposites, so it’s baffling to try to work out what Cindy’s type is!” points out our EastEnders insider.

“Perhaps Cindy thinks if she can’t have George, she’ll make Ian buff up to take her mind off her ex? Though it’ll take more than a few press-ups to put him in his love rival’s league…”

Saucy Cindy threw herself at her ex-husband recently, keen to reignite their old spark, only to be rejected as he wants to repair his derailed romance with Elaine. So, committing to a future with Ian – for now – Cindy encourages him to better himself, starting with making an effort with his physical fitness.

She sends him to the Boxing Den with son Peter for a one-on-one training session, and as Ian is put through his paces, it’s clear he’s not exactly in mint condition! However, Peter is distracted by the chance to spend time with Lauren, so leaves his dad at the Den, with Junior taking over Ian’s fitness programme. What could possibly go wrong?

Quite a bit, as it turns out! Egomaniac Ian is so intent on keeping up with Junior, he overdoes it and ends up having a bit of a turn!

Considering that counting the cash from his business empire is prob

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