George & glenda’s peace talks!

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George & Glenda’s peace talks!


George has concealed details of their late father’s will from Glenda

Glenda and George try mediation this week in a last-ditch attempt to stop their quarrel over Archie’s will from going to court.

Debbie offers to step in and act as the siblings’ intermediary, in the hope it will salvage their fractured relationship. But will it do more harm than good?

“The situation between George and Glenda has now turned pretty unpleasant,” admits our Coronation Street insider. “Neither of them seems prepared to back down in any way, but talking things through calmly with a third party might suffice to save them both a lot of time and energy, not to mention a fortune in legal fees!”

Michael announces he and Glenda are an item – and that George should show her more respect!

The feud between the pair ignited after Glenda discovered George had concealed details of their late father’s will, which entitled her to half of the family’s undertaker business. George tried to placate Glenda with a one-off cheque for £22k, but she saw straight through his scheming and got Dee-Dee to start formal proceedings.

Thankfully, things are looking rosier in Glenda’s love life after she found a shoulder to cry on in the form of Underworld manager, Michael. Having spent the night together, Glenda ushers Michael out of The Rovers’ back door, keen that their liaison doesn’t become the talk of the Street.

Meanwhile, across the cobbles, Dee-Dee advises George to try mediation with Glenda to avoid their spat ending up in court.

“George knows Glenda isn’t going to stop until she get

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