Toyah’s horror – leanne’s in hospital!

2 min read




Toyah feels badly betrayed by her sister

Terrified Toyah is forced to miss her court date this week, after she hears that her sister Leanne has been hurt in a terrible accident!

The siblings are still at war over Leanne’s involvement with the Institute, but when Toyah receives a call to say her sister has been involved in a motorbike crash, she rushes immediately to A&E. With Toyah’s last words to Leanne said in anger, has the Institute driven the Battersbys apart for good?

“Toyah is hugely worried,” confirms Georgia Taylor, who plays the concerned sister. “When I first read this week’s episodes, it was actually sickening for me…”

Having been arrested for the murder of her baby daughter, Rose, Toyah also faces a civil hearing after the Institute decided to sue her for defamation! And as if that wasn’t enough for her to deal with, Toyah’s week begins with a creepy delivery of yellow roses.

“Toyah’s spooked at first,” explains Georgia. “Then quite quickly she realises Rowan is behind it. It feels as if he’s rubbing her nose in her own trauma, and it validates everything she thought about him.”

Confronting Leanne with the flowers and the accompanying card, Toyah is aghast when her sister confirms that she told Rowan about baby Rose!

“She feels massively betrayed,” admits Georgia. “At first, Leanne denies it – then even when the truth does come out, Leanne won’t accept Rowan would do anything like that because she thinks he’s perfect. Toyah’s at her most vulnerable, and Leanne’s not there for her.”

Nick is just as horrified by Leanne’s behaviour, and issues his fiancée with an ultimatum – either she cuts all ties with the Institute or they’re over! What will Leanne decide?

As the day of Toyah’s court hearin

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