Bianca rumbles reiss’ big secret!

2 min read




Reiss shamelessly asks his oblivious wife if he can swipe more of her cash

Reiss gets caught red-handed this week – when Bianca discovers he stole money from his comatose wife to pay for Sonia’s IVF treatment!

The shameful secret is outed after Bianca follows Reiss to Debbie’s care home and sees him asking her for permission to borrow more dosh. Will Bianca expose Reiss as a thief and destroy Sonia’s hopes of happiness?

“Reiss gets well and truly busted!” cries our Walford insider. “There’s zero point in him trying to talk his way out of it because Bianca has overheard everything. And as far as she’s concerned, he’s a lying scumbag who’s going to get what’s coming to him!” It was last summer that Reiss made the foolish – and illegal – decision to syphon money from Debbie’s savings to finance his and Sonia’s private fertility treatment. He got round it by convincing Sonia his mum had left him thousands in a trust fund – enough for a few rounds of IVF.

The transfer was duly made, and Sonia never suspected a thing. But Reiss didn’t bank on Bianca finding out…

As the week starts, tensions remain high at Number 25. Sonia is struggling in the wake of recent events and Reiss is trying his best to support her, all under the disapproving glare of Bianca. And on top of all this, the accountant remains in the midst of a cash-flow crisis.

“Reiss is having a right old time of it,” shares our snoop. “His business has taken a hit after losing one of his biggest clients, but there are bills that still need paying. Reiss knows he has to find funds – fast!”

Desperate Reiss makes his riskiest move yet, attempting to fleece Kat! He tells the cab boss she’s n

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