Enjoy the new visual lookup features

1 min read

The Visual Lookup tool has been expanded and it lets you pluck subjects from backgrounds too

With iPadOS 15, Apple introduced Visual Lookup which recognised different objects in your photographs, from flowers and pets to art and landmarks. It let you view details about these items and check out similar images. But with the new iPadOS 16, it’s been improved and you are now able to do the same with birds, insects and statues, too.

You can also lift a subject from the background. It’s mightily impressive and works within seconds, letting you copy, share or drop the subject within multiple apps. It really needs to be tried to be believed: the image and annotations to the right only go some way towards preparing you for the jaw-dropping moment you first see it for yourself.

Tap and hold on an object to free it from the background.

HOW TO Discover information about objects

If you have an iPad with an A12 chip or higher, then, when looking at a photo, you can make use of Visual Lookup. In the Photos app, simply start by tapping the i icon. An information panel appears.

If you are using a different app, su