How to remove objects in the imgmi app

1 min read

1 Import an image

Getting your image into Imgmi can be tricky if you’ve not taken the photo with your iPhone or iPad camera. On opening the app, it offers the Recents album from the Photos app, with the option to switch to others such as Selfies.

2 Google workaround

One way we found to get non-Photos images into the Recents album was to add them to the Google Photos app first, then download them to the device. You can’t open images directly in Imgmi from the Files app, unfortunately.

Image credits: Apple Inc, Skylum Software

3 Find the tool

Imgmi opens an image in the Sky Replacement tool. To change this, pop up the Tools menu that’s almost hidden at the bottom of the interface. A tap on this slides up some options, with Erase at the bottom right.

4 Start erasing

The tool is a simple one, requiring you only to drag your finger over the object you want to remove, then let go. Unlike Google’s Magic Eraser, you need to completely cover the interloper rather than circle it.

5 Keep going

It can be tricky to completely remove an object in one go, so you may need to go back over it. This is also true if the result looks unnatural – another fill with the finger can smooth out any patches that have a strange look to them.

6 Touch up with a Pencil

The Apple Pencil, if your