Vase cosy

1 min read

Showcase a bouquet proudly with our clever casing idea

DAWN FINNEY is making waves with this latest pattern... in more ways than one! She uses four colours from your Horizon kit (leaving you with enough to make more of our lovely projects, FYI) and teaches you how to master the wave repeat. She also helps you to adapt the pattern for different vase dimensions – helpful! Let’s get going...


Using 3mm needles and Bold Teal cast on 62 sts, leaving a short tail

Rows 1-5: starting with a p (WS) row work in st st

Row 6: k1, ([p2tog] three times, [k1, yfwd] five times, [p2tog] twice) four times, k1

Rows 7-11: starting with a p row work in st st

Row 12: k1, ([p2tog] three times, [k1, yfwd] five times, [p2tog] twice) four times, k1 Rows 7-12 set wave pattern

Rows 13-18: rep Rows 7-12 once Change to Sparkle, leaving a long tail of Bold Teal

Rows 19-36: rep Rows 7-12 three times Change to Ruby Red, leaving short tails

Row 37-54: rep Rows 7-12 three times Change to Light Pink, leaving short tails

Rows 55-66: rep Rows 7-12 twice Starting with a p row work in st st for five rows Cast off kwise, leaving a long tail (see Great Advice)

to make up

Using tapestry needle and long cast-off Light Pink tail, join sides tog using mattress st to Bold Teal colour change. Join rem sides tog using long Bold Teal tail, then