Figgy pudding hat

3 min read

Have some fun with this charming festive headwear!


If your ‘currant’ winter hat has seen better days, you should definitely get this sweet thing by SUSIE JOHNS on your needles. What better way to spread Christmas cheer than with the nation’s favourite Yuletide afters on your head? With three sizes to choose from, this joyous make will keep you and your little ones super warm this season.


Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, cast on 96 (108, 120) sts Beg with a k row work eight rows in st st Change to 4mm needles Cont in st st until work meas 14 (16, 18) cm, ending after a p (WS) row


Row 1: [k10, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 88 (99, 110) sts Beg with a p row work three rows in st st

Row 5: [k9, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 80 (90, 100) sts

Row 6 and every foll WS row: p

Row 7: [k8, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 72 (81, 90) sts

Row 9: [k7, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 64 (72, 80) sts

Row 11: [k6, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 56 (63, 70) sts

Row 13: [k5, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 48 (54, 60) sts

Row 15: [k4, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 40 (45, 50) sts

Row 17: [k3, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 32 (36, 40) sts

Row 19: [k2, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 24 (27, 30) sts

Row 21: [k1, k2tog] 8 (9, 10) times. 16 (18, 20) sts

Row 22: [p2tog] 8 (9, 10) times Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off


** Using 4mm needles and yarn B cast on six sts Row 1: p Row 2: k1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1 Rep last two rows 2 (2, 3) times. 12 (12, 14) sts Row 9: cast on 2 (3, 3) sts, k to end. 14 (15, 17) sts

Row 10: cast on 2 (3, 3) sts, p to end. 16 (18, 20) sts Cut yarn and leave sts on a holder Rep from ** five times more but at end of last rep do not cut yarn and leave sts on needle Next row: k all sts on needle, then all sts from holder. 96 (108, 120) sts

Next row: p

shape top

Work as for Crown from Row 1 to end


Make three

Using 3.25mm needles and yarn C cast on three sts

Row 1: k

Row 2 and every foll even-numbered row: p

Row 3: [k1, m1] twice, k1. Five sts

Row 5: k2, m1, k1, m1, k2. Seven sts

Row 7: k3, m1, k1, m1, k3. Nine sts

Row 9: k4, m1, k1, m1, k4. 11 sts

Row 11: cast off three sts, [k1, m1] twice, k5. Ten sts

Row 12: cast off three sts, p to end. Seven sts

Rows 13-18: rep Rows 7-12 once more

Row 19: k3, m1, k1, m1, k3. Nine sts