Tom daley scarf

1 min read

Dive into this colourful accessory with our favourite knitting Olympian!

“A scarf was the first thing I ever knitted, and this is another brilliant beginner’s project – a super-long scarf in pastel-bright block colours of chunky mohair yarn. Using a rib stitch adds texture, but also means that the scarf lays flat so the edges do not curl inwards, and that it is fully reversible. For a designer finish, fringe the scarf in blocks of colour - it’s all in the detail!” Tom Daley


Using 6mm needles and yarn A cast on 55 sts Work in rib as folls: Row 1 (RS): p1, (k1, p1) to end

Row 2: (k1, p1) to last st, k1 Rep Rows 1-2 foll Stripe Sequence Cast off in rib

to make up

Weave in ends

neatly along row, not up sides of Scarf. Add a tassel (see Great Advice panel) to every alt st along both cast-on and cast-off edges to create an evenly spaced fringe. Use 35cm lengths of yarn and photographs as a colour guide. Trim fringing to approx 15cm or preferred length



1. Cut strands of yarn that are slightly longer than twice the finished length of the tassel. Take two or more strands and fold them in half

2. Insert a large crochet hook through the stitch where you want to place the tassel, from front to back. Lay the folded end of the yarn over the hook

3. Draw the hook back through the stitch, pulling the folded yarn partially through to form a loop. Tuck the ends through the loop and gently pull to secure the tassel

4. Repeat along the edge to create an evenly spaced fringing. Trim the cut ends of the yarn to the s