Tropical tree frog

4 min read

Use your stash leftovers to whip up this unfrogettable make


We’re hopping mad for this fabulous amphibian, in all his colourful glory! He only uses a little bit of each yarn so he’s a great stashbuster – or why not create your very own species by using a combination of colours from your magazine kit? His realistic-looking legs are made by inserting a length of pipe cleaner into each knitted limb and bending into shape, so he looks poised and ready to spring away.


YARN DK, shades (A) Green (10g), (B) Cream (5g), (C) Red (10g), (D) Petrol Blue (5g), (E) Yellow (5g), oddments of black and grey DK


3.25mm needles, pins, tapestry needle, toy stuffing, four pipe cleaners

SIZE 15cm across


26 sts x 34 rows 10cm x 10cm Stocking stitch 3.25mm needles

Perfect for beginners


Note: use long tail thumb method (see panel) for all cast ons

underside of body

Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A cast on six sts

Row 1: p

Row 2: (k1, m1, k1, m1, k1) twice. Ten sts

Rows 3-5: work three rows in st st

Row 6: k1, m1, k3, m1, k2, m1, k3, m1, k1. 14 sts

Rows 7-9: work three rows in st st

Row 10: k1, m1, k3, m1, k6, m1, k3, m1, k1. 18 sts

Rows 11-13: work three rows in st st

Row 14: k1, m1, k3, m1, k10, m1, k3, m1, k1. 22 sts

Rows 15-31: work 17 rows in st st

Row 32: k4, (k2tog) seven times, k4. 15 sts

Row 33: p Change to yarn B

Row 34: k3, (m1, k1) ten times, k2. 25 sts

Rows 35-41: work seven rows in st st

Row 42: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 23 sts

Row 43: p

Rows 44-45: rep Rows 42-43 once. 21 sts

Row 46: k2tog, k2, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k2, k2tog. 17 sts

Row 47: p2tog, p to last two sts, p2tog. 15 sts

Row 48: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 13 sts

Row 49: p2tog, p to last two sts, p2tog. 11 sts Cast off

top of body

Using yarn A throughout work

as for Underside of Body

hind leg Make two

Using 3.25mm needles and yarn C cast on nine sts

Rows 1-7: beg with a p row work seven rows in st st Change to yarn D

Rows 8-15: work eight rows in st st

Row 16: (k2tog, k1) to end. Six sts

Row 17: p

Row 18: k1, (m1, k1) to end. 11 sts

Rows 19-33: work 15 rows in st st

Row 34: k2tog, (k1, k2tog) to end. Seven sts

Row 35: p

Row 36: k1, (m1, k1) to end. 13 sts

Rows 37-45: work nine rows in st st

Row 46: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 11 sts

Row 47: p

Rows 48-53: rep Rows 46-47 three times more. Five sts

Row 54: k2tog, k1, k2tog. Three sts Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off


Make two

Using 3.25mm needles and yarn C cast on nine sts

Rows 1-5: beg with a