Glenda gonk

4 min read

Our chocolate egg cover makes the perfect Easter gift

This quirky character makes our hearts sing! ÁINE MARRIOTT has put an Easter twist on the traditional gonk, using the cheerful springtime shades in your kit and creating a little egg for her to hold, as though offering it up as a treat... and those bunny ears! Our gonk will fit a medium-sized chocolate egg inside, adding a personal touch to your Easter gifts.

body and hat

Using 3mm needles and Perky Blue cast on 60 sts

Rows 1-5: (k2, p2) to end

Rows 6-29: beg with a k (RS) row work in st st Change to Fresh Lavender

Rows 30-33: cont in st st

Row 34: (k8, k2tog) to end. 54 sts

Rows 35-39: cont in st st

Row 40: (k7, k2tog) to end. 48 sts

Rows 41-45: cont in st st

Row 46: (k6, k2tog) to end. 42 sts

Rows 47-51: cont in st st

Row 52: (k5, k2tog) to end. 36 st

Rows 53-57: cont in st st

Row 58: (k4, k2tog) to end. 30 sts

Rows 59-63: cont in st st

Row 64: (k3, k2tog) to end. 24 sts

Rows 65-68: cont in st st

Row 69: (k2, k2tog) to end. 18 sts

Rows 70-72: cont in st st

Row 73: (k2tog) to end. Nine sts Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off

arm Make two

Using 3mm needles and Perky Blue cast on 12 sts

Rows 1-12: beg with a k (RS) row work in st st

Rows 13-16: k Change to Easter Yellow

Rows 17-22: cont in st st

Row 23: (k2tog) to end. Six sts Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off


Using 3mm needles and Easter Yellow cast on 18 sts

Rows 1-5: beg with a p (WS) row work in st st

Row 6: (k2tog) to end. Nine sts Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off

hat brim

Using 3mm needles and Verdant Green cast on 70 sts

Rows 1-6: k

Row 7: (k8, k2tog) to end. 63 sts

Rows 8-9: k Cast off

foot Make two

Using 3mm needles and Easter Yellow cast on 11 sts

Row 1 (WS): p

Row 2: (kfb) to end. 22 sts

Rows 3-15: beg with a p (WS) row work in st st

Row 16: k1, (k2tog, k1) to end. 15 sts

Row 17: p

Row 18: k1, (k2tog) to end. Eight sts Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off

ear Make two

Using 3mm needles and Sugar White cast on six sts

Row 1 (WS): p

Row 2: k1, m1, k4, m1, k1. Eight sts

Row 3: p

Row 4: k1, m1, k6, m1, k1. Ten sts

Rows 5-11: beg with a p row work in st st

Row 12: k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1. Eight sts

Rows 13-17: cont in st st

Row 18: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1. Six sts

Rows 19-21: cont in st st

Row 22: k1, (k2tog) twice, k1. Four sts

Row 23: p

Row 24: (k2tog) twice. Two sts

Row 25: p