London bus

3 min read

All aboard! It’s time for some sight-seeing

Is there anything more iconic than the bright red double decker on the streets of London? Surely not! Knit up one of your very own with this genius design by DAWN FINNEY. It’s made in two pieces, with the larger one making up the sides and base of the bus, while the narrow strip is the front, top and back. Take a look at our Great Advice to see how to stitch them together at the end.


tapestry needle, four four-hole 2cm black buttons, safety stuffing


10.5cm long 7cm high 6cm wide


When joining the two pieces, curve the top corners of the bus slightly by using mattress stitch to sew into a couple of the edge stitches of the strip whilst working into the same stitch on the edge of the larger piece of the sides and base


sides and base

Note: made all in one piece Using 4mm needles and Rosy Red cast on 23 sts Work from Chart or written instructions as folls:

Row 1 (RS): k

Row 2: p Colour foll instruction indicates shade, carry both yarns along WS of work

Row 3: k2 Rosy Red, (k3 Rich Papaya, k1 Rosy Red) five times, k1 Rosy Red

Row 4: p1 Rosy Red, (p1 Rosy Red, p3 Rich Papaya) five times, p2 Rosy Red Cont in Rosy Red only

Row 5: k

Row 6: p7 Rosy Red, p9 Warm Beige, p7 Rosy Red

Row 7: k7 Rosy Red, k9 Warm Beige, k7 Rosy Red Cont in Rosy Red only

Row 8: p

Rows 9-10: rep Rows 3-4

Row 11: as Row 3 Cont in Rosy Red only

Rows 12-17: beg with a p row work in st st Change to Agate Blue leaving long tail of Rosy Red

Rows 18-26: cont in st st Change to Rosy Red leaving long tail of Rosy Red

Rows 27-32: cont in st st

Rows 33-34: rep Rows 3-4

Row 35: as Row 3 Cont in Rosy Red only

Row 36: p

Row 37: as Row 7

Row 38: as Row 6

Cont in Rosy Red only

Row 39: k

Row 40: as Row 4

Row41: as Row 3

Row 42-43: cont in st st Cast off pwise, leaving a long tail

ends and roof

Note: made all in one piece Using 4mm needles and Rosy Red cast on nine sts leaving a long tail Work from Chart or written instructions as folls:

Rows 1-6: beg with a k (RS) row work in st st Colour foll instruction indicates shade, carry both yarns along WS of work

Row 7: k2 Rosy Red, k5 Rich Papaya, k2 Rosy Red

Row 8: p2 Rosy Red, p5 Rich Papaya, p2 Rosy Red

Rows 9-10: rep Rows 7-8 Cont in Rosy Red only

Row 11: k

Row 12: