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ISSUE 315 June 2024

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In the magazine Discover how to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and join us on a journey through the world’s most popular distro’s 20-year history. And don’t miss our Roundup of hacker distros, an in-depth look at the impending Epochalypse, detailed tutorials on live-streaming audio via the terminal, setting up Gnome, editing images in Krita, and archiving C64 tapes, and plenty more besides.

ISSUE 314 May 2024

Product code: LXFDB0314

In the magazine Join us as we explore Linux’s infiltration of Windows, and discover how you can also get Windows apps running in Linux as we uncork the latest Wine release. And let’s not forget a Roundup of time trackers, tutorials on vulnerability audits, setting up a home ebook server, streaming games, and more, along with distro reviews, news, and packed Pi and Adminsteria sections.

ISSUE 313 April 2024

Product code: LXFDB0313

In the magazine Discover how to use the ultimate hacker’s toolkit, staying out of trouble while doing so. And join us as we take the Puppy Linux developer’s new distro for a run and explore its container features. Plus, we have a Roundup of retro-gaming distros, an in-depth look at filesystems, tutorials on adding plug-ins to our LXF shell and getting more from your VMs, plus news, reviews and oodles more.

ISSUE 312 March 2024

Product code:


In the magazine Blast off into the future with a look at the five best next-gen distros, and discover whether Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi is the best SBC for you. Plus, learn how to rescue retro media, add NPCs to your own point-andclick adventure, emulate an analogue computer, and lots more.

We’ve also squeezed in hardware and distro reviews, a password manager Roundup, news