Learn the periodic table

5 min read


An interactive periodic table accessible from the CLI might sound like sci-fi, but is pure joy for relapsed chemistry nerds like Shashank Sharma.

Credit: https://github.com/spirometaxas/periodic-table-cli


Shashank Sharma is a trial lawyer in New Delhi and an avid Arch user. He’s been writing about open source software for 20 years, and lawyering for 10. t might sound we’re joking, but if you think about it, the periodic table is one of the most I easily recognised icons in the world. Certainly on a par with lab coats, stethoscopes, thermometers and Lego pieces. Anyone who looks at it knows exactly what it is. Some people are even required to memorise it as part of their studies, while others still quote it as a display of their nerd quotient. Although you could quickly do an online search to look up elements should the need ever arise, offline utilities have the advantage of offering pertinent information without overloading you with data.

Released under the MIT licence, Periodic-table-cli is an interactive utility that can help you master the 118 elements known to man. In addition to the Node.js offering discussed on the project’s GitHub page, the developer also publishes a Python alternative.

Because of its esoteric nature, you understandably won’t find Periodic-table-cli in the software repositories of desktop distributions. However, if your distro is already configured for Node.js or Python packages, you can use the npm install –global periodic-table-cli or pip install periodic-table-cli command to install it.

Start learning

The periodic table is more than ju