Reset & recharge

3 min read

Reset & recharge

There’s no such thing as ‘too busy to meditate’, says BBC Radio meditation coach and long-time yoga teacher Clare Connolly. Here, she shares a simple practice for increased energy, vitality and clarity.

Sometimes we just need a boost. Feeling present, focused and energised can be truly exhilarating but in this day and age there are so many things to distract us. Do you ever feel like you have 101 things to do and not enough time? Hobbies, fitness, work, emails, text messages, phone calls, meetings, social media, people to see, things to do – there is so much to keep up with. We try to fit in holidays and meet-ups with friends, but we are all so busy. There certainly isn’t enough time to meditate! Or is there?

I’ve found that when I make the time to meditate, everything else is easier. If I’m super busy but still fit in that meditation, everything else flows with greater ease and clarity. But don’t take my word for it – you’ll need to try and experience it for yourself. Meditation clears a path for me for the rest of the day to get things done. I hope it does the same for you, too.

Try it yourself

This meditation aims to deeply ground you to the earth while opening up the main channel of energy, the ‘shushumna’, right up the spine to the brain, allowing a free flow of energy to boost and recharge. You’ll find that you can learn to refresh, renew, rebuild and sustain your energy, and by bringing awareness to your body and breath, you can tap into a deep source of vitality and rejuvenation.

For this meditation be seated, either cross-legged on the ground, or if you are on a chair, have your feet firmly planted on the earth.1 Feel your back lengthen as much as you are able, from the bottom of the spine to the crown of the head. Feel your shoulders, elbows and wrists relax, lightly resting your palms open in your lap.

2 Take full, deep breaths through the entire lungs and even into the belly. Let the breath be expansive and energising.

3 Imagine a pool of energy about 30cm below ground. You could visualise a pool of watery light glowing with silvers and blues. See this as the source of all energy, a gift from the earth.

4 Begin to breathe this energy up through the soles of your feet and into the lower legs. See the bright watery light moving into your body, beyond your knees, upper legs and into your hips. Take your time.

5 Feel the spine opening up into a tube, like a giant translucent straw. And begin to feel this light energy flo

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