Letter of the month

2 min read

Commentary for consideration

A while back I was discussing how by trying to trim the macOS version of iTunes down from being called bloatware (a term which I maintain refers to software with features you don’t need… yet), Apple split the music and podcast features into the separate apps of Music and Podcasts. And how this made downloading podcast episodes and putting them into family road trip playlists difficult.

Note that I say “difficult”, and not impossible. I’ve figured out how to do this. I also figure that I can’t be alone in wanting to create playlists on my MacBook that include both music and podcasts to sync to my phone, and this might be a great little “how to” you could do for your readers.

We had not considered that before Keith —the editor uses Spotify on the road which, if you’ve used the app before, you’ll know combines music and podcasts into one, so you can create playlists with both types of media within. Look out for a forthcoming tutorial on how to create mixed media playlists thanks to Keith’s heads–up!

No Sonoma

I just read the piece in the letters section about Rich Lefko’s disappointment from Apple discarding the 27–inch iMac plans [#ML215]. I’ve been using Apple products since the early ‘80s and my first PC was a Macintosh Plus with 1MB of memory. Nowadays I use a 27–inch iMac. I watched the (Oct 30 2023) announcement about the new iMacs, and I’m highly disappointed that the event completely dismissed any sign that there would be a new 27–inch iMac coming out soon. The 24–inch is nice, but when you have been working on a large 27–inch it’s very hard to go back to a 24–inch. And given my iMac is a 2017 model, I’m not able to download the latest macOS bec