Productivity boosters

4 min read

Optimize your workflow with these apps


> Free > > Needs macOS 10.14 or later > $42 >

This universal search app could change the way you use your Mac, offering a wide range of power features to boost your productivity.

Core search functionality is similar to Spotlight, bringing up results instantly as you type a search term. The results seem a little more focused, though, and each one has its own keyboard shortcut for quicker access.

Files aren’t shown by default: instead, you use a prefix such as “find” or “open”; you can also preview a file by pressing Shift. For web search, you can create keywords for custom searches on specific sites. While the core search and macOS system control features are free, a Powerpack (£34, about $44) is needed to unlock the others. This is where Alfred really comes into its own, however, with advanced features such as a searchable clipboard history and text snippets. Automated workflows are ideal for handling repetitive tasks — use existing ones or create your own with the simple block–based editor.


> Needs macOS 10.14 or later When you want to focus on being productive, having to keep organizing your Mac’s files can be a laborious distraction. Hazel can save you a lot of time by doing it for you using folder–based automation, helping to spring–clean your system. Just specify a folder you want it to monitor, set some rules for it to follow, and then sit back and let it take action whenever the folder contents are altered.

For instance, in the Downloads folder, you can set a rule for it to automatically move files to other folders, or even into system apps such as Music or Photos, based on their kind. Or color–code files added more than, say, four weeks ago. Other criteria include source URL, size and subfolder depth.

Renaming of files can be based on lists and tables to match against. Whatever you need to do, there’s no need for any coding knowledge and you can preview what a rule will do. Hazel integrates with Spotlight, Photos, Automator and AppleScript, too.


> Free


> Needs OS X 10.10 or later Fed up of getting distracted by social media apps and various website notifications? Well, you can use SelfControl to temporarily block any websites you add to the list for a specified time, so that you can focus on your work.

Camo Studio

> Free >

> Needs macOS 10