Letter of the month

2 min read

Apple prices

I’m a senior citizen on a fixed income and struggle to stay on top of the latest developments in the ever increasingly pricey technology.

I have an iMac that is so old that it is basically a boat anchor for all the good it does me. I have an iPhone 12 that is technologically near four years old, but is serviceable. I do want the latest camera, however, so am waiting till the next iteration of phone is out to lower the price of the 15.

I have always been an Apple guy ever since I could afford the Apple LC in 1990.

I know there’s more bang for the buck these days, but I absolutely hate that Apple’s prices are historically at the top edge of affordability for a large percentage of the population in the world’s richest country where over 800 billionaires live. All the while, the majority of Americans and people worldwide have to seriously think about affordability of their gadgets (tools) and choose between mortgage and car payments and staying in the game.

We hear you, Thomas! Sadly, Apple products have always had premium pricing — and that's not likely