Screenfloat2 £14.99

1 min read

Screenshots, but done better with all sorts of options



Apple provides a decent number of tools when taking screenshots and screen recordings in macOS, but ScreenFloat goes one better with a great selection of extra tools and features. Now, its version 2 update sees the app completely rewritten and improved throughout.

Once you’ve taken a screenshot, you can add tags, change its file type and resolution, copy the file, share it with other apps, and a whole lot more. It can detect faces, barcodes, text and data, which can all be edited (for instance, you can quickly blur out faces). Your images can be made to float above your other windows for quick reference, and ScreenFloat even integrates well with the Shortcuts app.

If you frequently take and edit screenshots on your Mac, ScreenFloat 2 could be a great addition. Given its power and feature set, you may never go back to the Mac’s default screenshot system.

[ iOS APP]


Arc Search merges a minimalist layout with AI powers to level up your web browsing. Enter a search term and tap ‘Browse for Me’ and the app scours the web for info before crafting a custom web page with all the information you need. It also automatically blocks adverts and archives your tabs to prevent overload.

Why you need it: It’s a clever new way to surf the web.