Must-do moves

14 min read

Each of your body’s major muscle groups is different and needs to be worked in its own way for the best results. These moves, selected by Nick Mitchell founder of Ultimate Performance, will target each muscle group for phenomenal all-over growth. Whether you want big arms, hard abs, strong legs or a classic V-shaped torso, you’ll find the move you need in this section.


Build bigger and stronger quads with this innovative twist on a classic move

Front squat 1¼ reps Doing front squats ensures strict form throughout, while doing an extra quarter rep at the bottom of each rep hits the muscles harder.

• Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders with your elbows pointing forwards and your feet shoulder-width apart.

• You can use straps to secure the bar to your hands more firmly.

• Maintain a natural arch in your back and keep your core braced throughout the move.

• Squat until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. The deeper you can squat, the better.

• Come back up a quarter of the way to the top, then lower back to the bottom position.

• Drive back up through your heels to the top position.

Heels-elevated front squat Elevating your heels makes it more comfortable to stay upright, and allows you to focus on moving and controlling the weight, rather than constantly trying to correct your form.

• Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders with your elbows pointing forwards, feet shoulder-width apart and your heels elevated on weight plates.

• Maintain a natural arch in your back and keep your core braced throughout the move.

• Squat until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. The deeper you can squat, the better.

• Drive back up through your heels.

Goblet box squat If you haven’t yet acquired the strength and coordination to execute front squats properly, the goblet squat is an entry-level exercise that can get you up to speed. Using boxes to increase the range of motion will allow you to ‘open up’ your hips and build strength and stability for the entire movement pattern.

• Arrange two boxes shoulder-width apart, then stand with one foot on each, holding a dumbbell in both hands.

• Squat as low as you can, keeping a natural arch in your back.

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