Move your mind

1 min read

Find it hard to switch off? Combining exercise with mindfulness might be the way forward

If you find it hard to sit still – not to mention clear your mind – moving your body can help transport you into a mindful state. Whether it’s the beat of your feet hitting the pavement as you walk or the sound of your breathing as you run, rhythmic forms of exercise can induce you into a state of ‘flow’ where, absorbed in the activity, your body and mind work in harmony and all other thoughts fall away. Athletes call it ‘being in the zone’ but you can also call it mindfulness.

Studies conducted on runners and athletes when they’re ‘in the zone’, show their brain waves are similar to those that occur during a meditative state. It’s a state of mind and body where performance becomes effortless, races are won and PBs broken. It’s also one of the reasons why so many successful entrepreneurs,


Here’s how to make your next workout session more mindful

During your warm-up, tune into your body.

How does it feel: slow and tired or ready to go? artists and writers make exercise a nonnegotiable part of their daily life. It refreshes your brain and helps ideas flow and productivity sky rocket.

Think to win

Do you rely on running as a way to resolve your problems, or swim after work to relax your mind at the end of a busy day? You’re already experiencing the

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