Fuck keith richards!

3 min read


…and other patently absurd musings you had to offer on the return of Megadeth to the cover of Hammer, our tributes to Trevor Strnad and Chester Bennington, and more.

MegaDave: unstoppable!


Megadeth need to sack off touring with flavour of the month bands like Five Finger Death Punch and do arenas themselves. We demand another Clash Of The Titans!

Count us in! Though we must say, Five Finger Death Punch? Flavour of the month? Really?!


Fuck Keith Richards, surely by this point Dave Mustaine is the ultimate metal survivor? He’s beat addiction, beat being booted from Metal’s Most Overrated Group™ and now he’s beat cancer. Stick this lad in a ring with Putin and watch him stop WW3 on his own!

Yeah there’s no denying it, Mustaine is a stone cold badass. Not sure we’d want to be picking a fight with Keith Richards though, Megadeth or no.


Just saw your Alestorm piece - what a pathetic excuse of a review. I own a dog and can tell you they take TREMENDOUS enthusiasm in licking their balls.

We must admit, though we knew the Alestorm review was provocative we weren’t expecting the response it got. But there have been many discussions internally, and we now all agree – dogs do seem enthusiastic about cleaning their gonads. We hope to hold ourselves to higher standards in future.


The Chester Bennington feature in the last Metal Hammer was wonderful. It still doesn’t feel real that he’s gone, but getting some stories that confirmed what an absolute genius he was is the best tribute us fans could hope for.

We can scarcely believe it’s been five years either, Matt. Chester was indeed one of a kind and we knew we had to commemorate him somehow, so we’re glad you loved Dannii Leivers’ excellent tribute.


Trevor Strnad was one of us. I was so happy to see a full feature on him in the new mag, I worried he’d barely get any mention.

It’s like you said, John – Trevor was one of us. His compassion is something we should all aspire to if we want to live in a better world and his legacy as an artist is untouchable, so there was no way we could let his passing go un-commemorated.


Not gonna lie, I saw Conjurer get mentioned in Hammer a lot and thought, ‘Great, here we go again – Metal Hammer are shoving some new band down our throats.’ Then I heard Páthos. Fuuuuuucking hell. The hype is well deserved.

We don’t champion bands like Conjurer for nothing, Will!

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