
2 min read

Nick Burnham: Taking off is fairly easy, and I was able to get some brilliant footage of the boat under way. All that remained was to land it…

Over a decade ago, I entered the scary world of self employment. Like any business, some ideas worked and some didn’t. I had a brilliant idea for syndicating boat test articles. It made no sense, I reasoned, for magazines in different countries to each send one person to do a review when I could write and photograph a boat test and sell it as a complete package worldwide for translation. I’d sell it for a third of the normal cost but to ten magazines, earning three times as much. Brilliant! I spent months collating and talking to boat magazine editors around the globe, all of whom were hugely enthusiastic and I even had a little success, with tests published in Japan, Italy, America and more. But ultimately the enthusiasm wasn’t matched by enough regular takers.

Another grand scheme was photography. If I could supply words and pictures, I’d be hot property (almost no one did this). I invested in professional camera equipment and training, got myself to a commercial standard and on this occasion was proven correct. It was a successful formula.

My next cunning scheme was aerial photography. Get proficient and it would be a goldmine! Well, that was the theory. The first obstacle was the frankly absurd level of qualification needed to fly a drone commercially at the time. That hurdle cleared and a suitable drone purchased (and christened Biggles) it was time to fly. Operating off land was always flawless. From a boat however... Every time, something seemed to go wrong, which was nail-biting with almost £2,000 worth of equipment aloft! I never did become sufficiently confident to get serious about marine drone photography, and with my next scheme, YouTube, going well, the drone was grounded. Until recently...

Elation as Nick gets his drone (and its important memory card

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