Boat cuisine

2 min read

Phil Sampson visits an historic establishment on the banks of the Beaulieu River


With the many gastronomic pleasures we have the French to thank for, perhaps one of the more unexpected is the Master Builder’s House in Buckler’s Hard. For if the grand plan of John, second Duke of Montagu, had gone ahead, this idyllic spot on the Beaulieu River would have been part of a freeport dedicated to the import and export of sugar from the West Indies. Unfortunately for the Duke, but luckily for the rest of us, his plans were scuppered when the French seized the islands. This lead to Buckler’s Hard being repurposed as a shipbuilding centre and in 1929 the Shipbuilders’ House, (now the Master Builder’s) was built.


For many boaters on the south coast, Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour is a must-go destination. However, once tied up on one of the 46 new walk-ashore berths, visitors quickly discover the only place to eat nearby is the Master Builder’s House. Factor in the hordes who flock to the Buckler’s Hard living village museum every summer and it’s fair to assume the Riverview, the hotel’s main restaurant, is going to be pretty busy during the season – so booking is advised. For walk-in diners, Henry’s pub, named after master shipbuilder Henry Adams, offers a menu of pub classics including vegetarian options, and at peak times snacks can be picked up from an outdoor kiosk known as the Crew Bar.

Having planned our visit in advance, we had a table for Sunday lunch in the Riverview, a restaurant whose name says it all – fabulous views over the Beaulieu River including the marina, so you can keep an eye on your boat while you eat. With its pine ceiling and grey and blue walls, the restaurant has an almost New England feel about it – but

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